Sep 23, 2009

A New Start

Ok, so I have a new blog. Great. Where to go from here?

First off, I'll let y'all know that I have been inspired. I mean EFFING INSPIRED (I am starting everyone off nice and easy here) to start a new blog. Apart from my other blog that is. I will have daily or weekly topics, depending on how I feel. This page is will not be intended for children's eyes, nor those that are easily offended by profanities and the like. (talk of nudity and explicit sexual stuff is more than likely)

Things you all will need to know,

1: I talk like a sailor (or trucker, whichever you prefer), in writing and in the real world.

2: Though not normally offensive, I can be. Such is life.

3: Some (not all!) of this blog may (will) be 'X-Rated' (GASP!)

4: I will post my opinions. If you don't like them, away with you. (No need to post nasty comments about how I have pissed you off)

5: I will tell stories, some based on real life experiences and some, not so much.

Other than the basics, just have fun with it. Don't take anything I say too seriously or personally for that matter. I am here to have a good time, you should be too.

Let's Roll....


  1. FIrst, Bitches! First comment and first follower! Firsty first first!

    Ya, it's late and I should be going to bed soon.

  2. Clearly you are the coolest Captain Dumbass! BTW Love the back piece! I know the place you got that done at, down the road from where I work. Well done!

  3. If we'd only known each other then. You could have held my hand as I cried. And cried.

  4. LOL! I'm sure it was more enjoyable that you admit. Though I almost cried a little when I got my chest tattooed. Totally worth it.

  5. Chest? Yikes. I don't know if I could do that. Ok, I didn't actually cry, but I had a couple sessions where I had to call it quits after 6 or 7 hours. And the amount it hurt near the sides? I don't know if I'll ever get my chest done.

    So what's yours?

  6. Yup, chest. I have sparrows (the old school sailor type). They hurt like hell. I was pretty sore for about a week after. My first tattoo lasted 5.5 hours (my leg). I have the side of my leg done from my hip to my ankle. My wrists are done and I have two on my back (a sacred heart and a old prison looking thing that will be covered because it is so bad) and soon to start my sleeves. 12 in total.
